Shamanic Reiki Treatments in Berlin and at a Distance

Discover the benefits of Reiki blended with traditional Shamanic Energy Healing

Book a Shamanic Reiki Energy Healing Treatment

If you feel like your energy has been drained or off for some time, or you’re experiencing difficulties in your life like anxiety or depression, or perhaps you’re interested in taking a preventative approach to your health - then Shamanic Reiki energy healing can help.

Reiki energy healing is the gentle laying or hovering of hands to channel universal life force energy, known as Reiki, to a receiver. This energy integrates with the receiver's energy body which balances their mind, physical and emotional bodies, and spirit.

Think of it as an energetic tune-up.

Individual Shamanic Reiki treatments in Berlin are very relaxing. Reiki energy will soothe your symptoms while treating the root causes of your challenge(s). You will leave the session feeling calm, clear, and full of new energy and insight. All you need to do is simply sit back, relax and receive. We will have plenty of time to talk and integrate after the session.

  • relieves anxiety, stress, and fatigue

  • induces a meditative state and deep relaxation

  • stimulates the body’s immune system

  • relieves pain and tension

  • promotes natural self-healing, balance and well-being

  • boosts mood and improves sleep

  • aids personal & spiritual growth

  • supports the well-being of people receiving traditional western medical treatments and psychotherapy (but does not replace it)

The benefits of a Shamanic Reiki Treatment

Mariana Luna giving Reiki to a client who is laying down

A full session session is 75 minutes with roughly 55 minutes for the treatment and 10 minutes of talking time before and after the treatment.

General flow of in-person Shamanic Reiki treatments:

  1. We begin by opening the space with a 10 minute consultation to introduce ourselves, explain the session, and answer any questions you might have.

  2. You will be invited to lay down to receive Reiki. You will lay on the treatment table fully clothed under a blanket, and I will hold my hands over you in various positions.

  3. After the treatment, we will have a 10-15 minute follow-up conversation, to discuss and integrate anything that came up during the session. I will also give you personalized recommendations and homework to help you on your journey.

More information about what happens during and after a treatment is found below in my Frequently Asked Questions.

You can also learn Reiki to give yourself self-treatments whenever you like, and empower your spiritual journey (among many other benefits).

In-Person Shamanic Reiki Treatments in Berlin-Neukölln

Mariana Luna giving Reiki to a client

Energy work is not bound by the constraints of time or space. Remote Reiki is just as effective as in-person sessions, offering you the same healing benefits from the comfort of your own space. I connect with you energetically, channeling Reiki to promote relaxation, balance, and healing. Whether near or far, the energy flows seamlessly, supporting your mind, body, and spirit as if we were together in the same room.

Distance / Remote Shamanic Reiki

About Shamanic Reiki in Berlin

  • What is Reiki?

    Reiki is the channelling of universal energy and is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of a person – body, mind, emotions and spirit. It is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive healing technique.

    The practice of Reiki orginates from Japan (Rei – universal, ki – energy). Reiki practitioners are attuned to allow them to channel greater quantities of energy than normal. This energy is channelled in a Reiki session into the client through my hands using various positions. The client’s body will only take what it needs to heal itself.

    A Reiki treatment is often a calming and restful experience. It can relieve stress and anxiety, calming and rejuvenating the mind and body and accelerating physical healing. It can be used in conjunction with any medical or therapeutic technique, but it does not replace it.

  • What is Shamanic Reiki?

    Shamanic Reiki is my own blend of traditional Usui Reiki combined with Mexican Shamanic / curanderx energy clearing techniques.

    I use Reiki, Shamanic and Chakra Therapies in these individualized sessions work with your unique energy systems to promote mind, body & spirit health. This combined powerful energy Shamanic Reiki clearing session removes negative or unwanted energy from your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual auric fields.

    Mariana Luna giving Reiki to a client

What is curanderismo?

Curanderismo is a Latin American shamanic healing practice and is the foundation of my work as a Mexican-American Curandera. It holistically integrates and treats the mind, body and soul of a person using a wide variety of tools and techniques.

From Erika Buenaflor’s book Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo, “the root word of curanderismo, curar, means to heal…A curanderx is somone who heals on a holistic level, treating the mind, body, spirit and soul.”

My sessions blend curanderismo shamanic healing practices alongside Japanese Reiki energy healing. This might include: working with specific stones or crystals, sacred local plants, smudging and feather fanning, egg sweeping, or working my rattle or drum.

Huichol Moon and Sun by Andrew Osta


  • A treatment starts with a client lying on their back, and my hands are placed and held in various positions above their body. The responses during a treatment vary greatly. Some clients experience feeling heat or tingling as reiki flows through them, others feel cold. Usually, the client feels very relaxed and peaceful as the energy flows through their body and some clients even fall asleep during their treatment. Emotional reactions like crying or laughing are also common during a treatment.

    I am committed to creating and holding a safe and nurturing space for you during your treatment. You are welcome to laugh, cry, make sounds, ask questions, fall asleep, relax and enjoy the ride, all and everything you bring is welcome here.

  • Receiving a Reiki treatment is great for anybody at any age, anywhere and at anytime. It is safe and soothing for those who are pregnant, too. Adults of any age will find a Reiki treatment very helpful with any health or stress-related problems. Of course, you don’t have to be ill or stressed to benefit from a Reiki session - it’s also lovely to just relax and be nurtured for a while.

  • In-person Reiki treatments take place at my private treatment space in Berlin, Neukölln conveniently located close to the U7 Karl-Marx-Str. U-Bahn station (full address given upon booking confirmation).

    Remote Reiki treatments take place wherever you are in the world.

  • Prosperity exchange for a 75 min session is 110€*

    Book a session now

    *In ensuring my work is accessible, I offer a discount for anyone who truly needs it - just get in touch.

    Sliding scale or payment plans for folks who truly need it. I understand and am aware of the social, political, racial, colonial, classist and patriarchal structures present in this exchange.

  • Bring an open mind and heart.

    I also ask that you abstain from alcohol and drugs for at least 24 hours before our session (this does not apply to any medication you might be taking).

    Please wear white or light colored clothing.

  • The frequency of Reiki sessions needed varies depending on your current situation. In some cases, a single treatment may have a noticeable impact and motivate you to make positive changes in your life. However, if you are experiencing physical symptoms of dis-ease, it may be helpful to have multiple sessions to accelerate the body's natural healing process.

    Similarly, if you are going through a significant life transition or experiencing intense emotional or mental distress, multiple sessions may provide additional support.

    Ultimately, you have the freedom to decide how often you attend Reiki sessions, and I can offer personalized advice based on your individual needs. Additionally, learning Reiki yourself may be beneficial for regular self-treatment.

  • I normally do not offer weekend treatments, but if you can only meet on the weekend I am happy to accommodate depending on my availability.

    For weekend sessions, I charge an extra 20 euro weekend fee.

“The session made me feel so much better. Feeling a really deep calm and at peace and healthier and stronger. THANK YOU 🙏”

— Anne K., Berlin